The financial performance of Malaysian Airline System ( MAS ) was very bad . The airline is also dogged by problems loss of the aircraft in flight dri Kuala Lumpur to Beijing .
In 2011 , the airline loss record high , namely 2.52 billion ringgit . In 2013 , the company also posted a loss of 1.19 billion ringgit , or USD360 million in 2013 .
" Company has always been in a precarious state . If the MAS is a hospital patient , meaning he was in the ICU ( Intensive Care Unit ) permanently , " said analysts at Standard & Poor's Capital IQ , Shukor Yusof , quoted by CNBC , Wednesday ( 12 / 3/2014 ) .
" They have a habit to always lose . They also always changing CEOs , but it did not change anything , " he added .
He went on , in 2002 , the debt ratio is very alarming MAS . And after 10-12 years later , the debt is still felt .
At the end of 2013 , MAS still has long -term debt amounted to 10.36 billion ringgit . Meanwhile , in May last year , the company conducted a rights issue at a price of 23 cents per share .
According Shukor , the airline suffered losses due to mistakes he did in 2003 . At that time , the airline decided to order catering for 25 years, with a value of 250 billion ringgit per year .
Previously , in 2000 , the Malaysian Government to bailout companies also do this by buying a 29 percent stake of businessman Tajudin Ramli worth 8 ringgit per share .
But the company's stock , never left the price of 2 ringgit in 2000 . And now , as much as 69 per cent of MAS shares held by Khazanah Nasional , the Malaysian state-owned enterprises .
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