Wednesday, April 2, 2014

MH370 : Peter Jackson Sending Owned Private Jet To Help SAR

KUALA LUMPUR : Private jet owned film director Lord of the Rings , Peter Jackson also used in the search for aircraft operations reported MH370 ' ends ' in the southern Indian oceans,
Jackson's Gulfstream G650 was used for the purpose to deliver mesej communication between aircraft involved in the mission to find it .

According to the webpage Gulfstream , jet lag Jackson's high and it has attempted to fly the aircraft versus unusual distance where he allowed Jackson to make the trip nonstop from Welllington , New Zealand to Los Angeles , California , executed filemnya ; most depictions .

" G650 may carry eight passengers and four sailors to travel endlessly as far as 7,000 nautical stone ( 12.964 km ) , " according to the web page .
Worth tens of millions of dollars , a luxury jet speed that can reach 708 miles per hour  and through this operation , it is used in rotation with several other private aircraft that was sent for the same purpose .

Jackson spokesman also confirmed the involvement of Jackson 's luxury jet that was acquired in March 2013 but declined to answer the question whether Jackson himself offers fleet or requested by any party .

" Peter does not want to publicize the matter. Many private aircraft and troops belonging to participate in this operation.

It's quite sad because due to this jet owned by a celebrity , it's now all the rage , when more than 200 people lost ( in the MH370 aircraft ) , " say spokesman Jackson , Matt Dravitzki。

Flight MH370 , carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew , disappeared from radar scan while in the South China Sea on March 8 , about an hour after taking off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 12:41 midnight.

The plane was supposed to land in Beijing at 6:30 am the same day .

Since this tragedy occurred , dozens of countries around the world also sent assistance in order to locate and track the ill-fated aircraft .

Lastly, the Royal Navy submarine Britain , HMS Tireless arrived in the southern Indian Ocean to join to track the lost Boeing 777-200 of Malaysia Airlines ( MAS )。

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