Thursday, April 3, 2014

MH370 : Datuk Nik Hussain Nik Huzlan Get New Key For MH370 Mystery

Finally , all the analysis and experience of Captain Datuk Nik Hussain Nik Huzlan brings us to the answer key to the mysterious disappearance of MH370 that is 

approaching month. Whether we like it or not - he was telling the truth and honesty , thereby eliminating the whole theory about allegations that MH370 aircraft 

suffered technical problems or damage.

In the early loss MH370 - with all the data and evidence within a week since the incident aircraft loss occurs , Datuk Capt Nik Huzlan reached certain conclusions 

different from aviation experts post . He seems to be more tending to attribute the MH370 to act " irresponsible " done in a very neat and organized . The early 

conclusion of Captain Datuk Nik Huzlan are as follows :

1 ) It is impossible for an airplane actually like MH370 signal or communications failure as each plane will have 3 levels of communication and this trio is quality .

2 ) Other than that, quite impossible even for all of us to say aircraft suffered total MH370 ' electrical shutdown ' and if there is even the plane there is enough 

time to make an emergency landing . Not only that, each aircraft has a lot of batteries and is able to generate power for the aircraft.

3 ) MAS is the best airline in terms of ' maintainance ' because, according to the captain , the United States also asked MAS to help in this regard .

4 ) Quality of MAS pilots also are the best, but he said , MAS pilots often " kidnapped " by the other airlines .

5 ) A pilot will do as best as long as there is hope , to save the fleet, though the mountains are depan.Bukan easier for them to give up.

6) Each aircraft can be hit by lightning , the usual . But the flow of electric current will flow in and out of the plane to the back .

7 ) Captain Nik Ahmad Huzlan menemplak time to foreign news reports that make the news are enough " nonsense & fairy " when said MAS Malaysia Airlines MH370 aircraft 

went to Russia while to get there MH370 should pass Himalayas including radar beam from Turkey , Uzbekistan , Turkmenistan

8 ) Captain Datuk Nik Huzlan also claimed that radars in Thailand , India , Myanmar (maybe ) and the countries with long-tail is ' tan' on the back, very seriously and 

will take action in the event of an unidentified aircraft in their AirSpace . Countries such as this can be very dangerous if the intruding aircraft tracking their 

national sovereignty . Sophisticated military equipment monitoring their air space can not be mocked. Similarly, India's national radar " very , very dangerous " .

9 ) Countries like Singapore have very great radar and can detect aircraft up to Kota Kinabalu.

Only the pilot can only turn off the transponder or mmsg in a particular mode .
And only those who are experienced and know the coordinates of each road edge groove in the air.
How do MH370 plane turning back as professional as the precise time and velocity of the aircraft is stable , not fast , not slow and does not wobble .

10 ) Datuk Captain Nik Ahmad Nik Hussain said Huzlan Assuming MH370 confiscated, it is not possible person. Sure there is the help of which move in groups. Who is he?
MH370 can be hijacked by those familiar with the condition that the cockpit is most likely " Authorised person" which is performed in an organized form ' may ' move 

-style commando-style

11 ) Captain Datuk Nik Huzlan say MH370 plane turned back, may be flown by a person skilled and highly skilled routes to avoid radar detection .

12 ) Assuming MH370 confiscated, it will not be done by the passenger . Very slim because there cockpit entrance code. Only cabin crew who know the secret code . 

What's more, in the cockpit of a CCTV for pilot / co -pilot saw behind the door .

13 ) But Captain Nik Huzlan have said if one of the passengers who are very knowledgeable about the plane, and there was a conspiracy agenda of its own, so it is not 

unusual incidents MH370 confiscated.

14 ) In the event of foreclosure MH370 , they still have time to get ready to send a distress signal .

15 ) Datuk Captain Nik Ahmad Huzlan not ruled out if MH370 seized by cabin crew ( pilot / co -pilot / steward / stewardess ) , but not known what their motives
Datuk Captain Nik Ahmad Huzlan reveal if MH370 go towards Kazakhstan , it can land there, but radar can still impact the reason to go there to go through many 

If MH370 go Indian Ocean ( Indian Ocean) , is that no plane ever and there
Datuk Captain Nik Ahmad Huzlan also say that there are many radar bolehmengesan MH370 , if the airplane is doing " turned over " to the West heading into the Andaman 

Sea ( Andaman Sea ) If MH370 down Grasia Diego heading towards what is called ' lonely sea ' of the Indian Ocean, then only said MH370 aircraft lost, because there is 

no radar near there that is capable of capturing and tracking this MH370 aircraft ....

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

MH370 : Peter Jackson Sending Owned Private Jet To Help SAR

KUALA LUMPUR : Private jet owned film director Lord of the Rings , Peter Jackson also used in the search for aircraft operations reported MH370 ' ends ' in the southern Indian oceans,
Jackson's Gulfstream G650 was used for the purpose to deliver mesej communication between aircraft involved in the mission to find it .

According to the webpage Gulfstream , jet lag Jackson's high and it has attempted to fly the aircraft versus unusual distance where he allowed Jackson to make the trip nonstop from Welllington , New Zealand to Los Angeles , California , executed filemnya ; most depictions .

" G650 may carry eight passengers and four sailors to travel endlessly as far as 7,000 nautical stone ( 12.964 km ) , " according to the web page .
Worth tens of millions of dollars , a luxury jet speed that can reach 708 miles per hour  and through this operation , it is used in rotation with several other private aircraft that was sent for the same purpose .

Jackson spokesman also confirmed the involvement of Jackson 's luxury jet that was acquired in March 2013 but declined to answer the question whether Jackson himself offers fleet or requested by any party .

" Peter does not want to publicize the matter. Many private aircraft and troops belonging to participate in this operation.

It's quite sad because due to this jet owned by a celebrity , it's now all the rage , when more than 200 people lost ( in the MH370 aircraft ) , " say spokesman Jackson , Matt Dravitzki。

Flight MH370 , carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew , disappeared from radar scan while in the South China Sea on March 8 , about an hour after taking off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 12:41 midnight.

The plane was supposed to land in Beijing at 6:30 am the same day .

Since this tragedy occurred , dozens of countries around the world also sent assistance in order to locate and track the ill-fated aircraft .

Lastly, the Royal Navy submarine Britain , HMS Tireless arrived in the southern Indian Ocean to join to track the lost Boeing 777-200 of Malaysia Airlines ( MAS )。

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

MH 370 : Official Transcript Revealed From Ministry of Transport (MALAYSIA OFFICIAL)

KUALA LUMPUR, April 1 - Below is the full transcript in English language 

communication between Flight MH370 Malaysia Airlines and Kuala Lumpur Air Traffic Control (ATC) as 

issued by the Ministry of Transport(MALAYSIA OFFICIAL) here today.

Departing from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA): March 8, 2014

MAS 370 (Kuala Lumpur to Beijing)



MAS 370 Delivery MAS 370 Good Morning 12:26:02


MAS 370 Standby and Malaysia Six is cleared to Frankfurt via AGOSA Alpha Departure six thousand feet squawk two one zero six.



... MAS 370 request level


MAS 370

MAS 370 we are ready requesting flight level three five zero to Beijing



MAS 370 is cleared to Beijing via PIBOS A Departure Six Thousand Feet squawk two one five seven.


MAS 370

Beijing PIBOS A Six Thousand Squawk two one five seven, MAS 370 Thank You



MAS 370 Welcome over to ground


MAS 370

Good Day



MAS 370

Ground MAS370 Good morning Charlie One Requesting push and start




Lumpur Ground Morning Push back and start approved Runway 32 Right Exit via Sierra 4.


MAS 370

Push back and start approved 32 Right Exit via Sierra 4 POB 239 Mike Romeo Oscar





MAS 370

MAS377 request taxi.



MAS37..... (garbled) ... standard route. Hold short Bravo


MAS 370

Ground, MAS370. You are unreadable. Say again.



MAS370 taxi to holding point Alfa 11 Runway 32 Right via standard route. Hold short of Bravo.


MAS 370

Alfa 11 Standard route Hold short Bravo MAS370.



MAS 370 Tower



(garbled) ... Tower ... (garbled)

MAS 370



Thank you



MAS 370

Tower MAS370 Morning



MAS370 good morning. Lumpur Tower. Holding point..[garbled]..10 32 Right


MAS 370

Alfa 10




370 line up 32 Right Alfa 10.

MAS 370

Line up 32 Right Alfa 10 MAS370.



370 32 Right Cleared for take-off. Good night.

MAS 370

32 Right Cleared for take-off. Thank you Bye.



MAS 370

Departure Malaysian Three Seven Zero



Malaysian Three Seven Zero selamat pagi identified. Climb flight level one eight zero cancel SID turn right direct to IGARI


MAS 370

Okay level one eight zero direct IGARI Malaysian one err Three Seven Zero



Malaysian Three Seven Zero contact Lumpur Radar One Three Two Six good night

MAS 370

Night One Three Two Six Malaysian Three Seven Zero



MAS 370

Lumpur Control Malaysian Three Seven Zero



Malaysian Three Seven Zero Lumpur radar Good Morning climb flight level two five zero



Morning level two

five zero Malaysian Three Seven Zero



Malaysian Three Seven Zero climb flight level three five zero



Flight level three five zero Malaysian Three Seven Zero



Malaysian Three Seven Zero maintaining level three five zero



Malaysian Three Seven Zero



Malaysian...Three Seven Zero maintaining level three five zero



Malaysian Three Seven Zero



Malaysian Three Seven Zero contact Ho Chi Minh 120 decimal 9 Good Night



Good Night Malaysian Three Seven Zero

Thursday, March 27, 2014


BEIJING : China's first insurance company start pay compensation to the families of citizens who 

are the LOST MH370 passenger aircraft in the South Indian Ocean.

The official Xinhua news agency , China , reported that family to seven passengers receive 

compensation of RM2.5 million on Wednesday, the largest insurance company in China , China Life .

Xinhua quoted as saying that China Life already have 32 customers in Malaysia flight MH370 .

They estimated that the damages reached 1.462 milion USD.

Meanwhile, the insurance company based in Shanghai , China Pacific Insurance Co Ltd. said it 

was offering its first damages totaling  84,966 USD on Thursday

Sunshine Insurance , said the association had to pay damages to one of three families totaling 


New China Life Insurance Co. . Ltd. . estimated compensation could reach 161,597USD for nine 

clients in the aircraft .

China is the largest number of passengers on board MH370 .


KUALA LUMPUR : Malaysia is now in the process of sending their team to Perth , where includes all board from the Department of Civil Aviation, Malaysia Airlines, Royal Malaysian Navy and Royal Malaysian Air Force .

According to a press statement by the Ministry of Transport , the team will work closely with the Australian Rescue Coordination Center to help search operation and get lastest information.

In Australia as leader, six ships will continue its mission to find and track a Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 debris, especially in areas where the 122 objects identified by the Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency ( MRSA ) in the search for Australia , about 2,557 miles from Perth .

The search for a Thursday of 16,298 square nautical miles in the West , and the 6,506 square nautical miles in the East .

A ship from China , Hai Xun , is expected to arrive in the area tonight.

Ships China , Xue Long will oversee the East . In the West, it will be monitored by 4 Chinese ships and an Australian ship HMAS Success .

Add the fact may be, nine aircraft were flown into the search area .

However, all aircraft used in the mission was ordered to return to Perth due to bad weather .

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


The British company Inmarsat PLC ( International Satellite Maritime Organisation ) using the ' Doppled Effect ' discovered in the 19th century to analyze the signal 7 ' Ping ' satellite captured .
The method allows to determine the direction of the last flight of MAS MH370 aircraft lost contact.
Armed with that data Malaysia pm Najib Razak came to the conclusion that the Boeing 777 lost contact since March 8 it has fallen into the Indian Ocean , killing 239 passengers and crew .
After the communication device is not functioning as a whole , the plane was still emitting signals ' Ping ' every hour . Of signal ' Ping ' emitted by aircraft flight MH370 known since leaving Kuala Lumpur airport to fly to Beijing and then cut off the ignition . Flight continued several hours .
Evaluation of height and distance from the time of arrest signals by satellite , obtained an estimate of Inmarsat depicted in the form of 2 pieces each arc that leads to the north and south .
Experts in Inmarsat then using the ' Doppler Effect ' as a basis for detecting sinyak ' Ping ' is weak . Doppler wave frequency will be changed to follow the direction of movement of the carrier to detect the strength of the signal . In the case of a satellite carrier is .
Air Accident Investigation Branch ( AAIB ) of the United States also participate in analyzing
Head of Corporate Communications Inmarsat Sinnatt Jonathan said , " We then incorporate the data into the second arc plane was to compare the likely direction of flight , the aircraft was finally discovered that the fly heading south . "
Once the experts at Inmarsat compare theoretical flyway MH370 with a signal of some Boeing 777 aircraft that fly the route. But the result is appropriate .
Before Sinnatt announced the results of his analysis , he first had asked for another satellite company to inspect it .
Due to the weak signal transmitting ' Ping ' to 1 satellite which is still able to catch it , clear the GPS satellites and other triangulation techniques will not be able to detect the direction of aircraft flight . 


The financial performance of Malaysian Airline System ( MAS ) was very bad . The airline is also dogged by problems loss of the aircraft in flight dri Kuala Lumpur to Beijing .

In 2011 , the airline loss record high , namely 2.52 billion ringgit . In 2013 , the company also posted a loss of 1.19 billion ringgit , or USD360 million in 2013 .

" Company has always been in a precarious state . If the MAS is a hospital patient , meaning he was in the ICU ( Intensive Care Unit ) permanently , " said analysts at Standard & Poor's Capital IQ , Shukor Yusof , quoted by CNBC , Wednesday ( 12 / 3/2014 ) .

" They have a habit to always lose . They also always changing CEOs , but it did not change anything , " he added .

He went on , in 2002 , the debt ratio is very alarming MAS . And after 10-12 years later , the debt is still felt .

At the end of 2013 , MAS still has long -term debt amounted to 10.36 billion ringgit . Meanwhile , in May last year , the company conducted a rights issue at a price of 23 cents per share .

According Shukor , the airline suffered losses due to mistakes he did in 2003 . At that time , the airline decided to order catering for 25 years, with a value of 250 billion ringgit per year .

Previously , in 2000 , the Malaysian Government to bailout companies also do this by buying a 29 percent stake of businessman Tajudin Ramli worth 8 ringgit per share .

But the company's stock , never left the price of 2 ringgit in 2000 . And now , as much as 69 per cent of MAS shares held by Khazanah Nasional , the Malaysian state-owned enterprises .